UAE Online VAT Registration
There is a criteria for online UAE VAT Registration. All the taxable businesses must complete VAT Registration and get the TRN to collect VAT in UAE. Once the registration is open, the steps to be taken to complete the VAT registration are outlined below:
1. Create a new account to login
a. Provide name and other basic details and set new password
b. Verify the email
2. Once login, user can register for VAT. Complete the registration form and on successful registration, Tax Registration Number (TRN) will be provided to the user.
Who should Register for VAT?
Every taxable person who is a resident in the UAE and whose value of annual supplies in the UAE exceeds or is expected to exceed the mandatory registration threshold will have to register for VAT in UAE. The threshold limits for VAT registration are as follows:
Mandatory VAT Registration Threshold = AED 375,000
Voluntary VAT Registration Threshold = AED 187,500
For VAT registration in UAE, the total value of taxable supplies made for the current month and previous 11 months shall be considered for calculating the annual supplies. Also, the expected value of supplies for next 30 days will be considered to determine if the annual supplies will exceed the threshold.
No threshold will be considered for a non-resident taxable person (taxable person without having fixed establishment) to determine his VAT registration. Such taxable persons will be required to register mandatory.

Being your tax agent, SAB will be responsible to provide all the records, information, documents, and financial data to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) if requested to submit on behalf of you. We will act as a Tax Agent on behalf of you to handle all tax affairs with the FTA.
SAB is equipped with a team of thriving VAT specialists who can help your business to overcome expected roadblocks such as lack of familiarity with VAT rules & regulations, structure and compliance issues, lack of resources and lack of a compliant accounting system.